The Bulletin

INBOUND2020 day 1: Product updates and spotlight session

Written by Niyat Ghebremichael | Sep 23, 2020

The first day of INBOUND2020 was excellent: great sessions, good speakers, and so much knowledge. We look forward to bring you shared experiences, the latest news, and knowledge from the inbound community. Below you can read about product updates and watch the spotlight session about the new normal with Brian Halligan and Dharmesh Shah!

Product upgrades

Several new product upgrades to Sales Hub, Marketing Hub, Service Hub, and the HubSpot ecosystem were announced. We are pleased with the upgraded Enterprise Sales CRM that is powerful and easy to use.

Enterprise Sales CRM upgrade

HubSpot's Sales Hub Enterprise has been upgraded with powerful tools to help your sales teams adapt to the new standard of selling advanced permissions and custom objects. It gives your sales team the flexibility they need to build their entire sales operation on HubSpot. New sales reporting functionality allows users to gain insight into the overall state of their business. These enhancements enable sales managers to increase the productivity of their teams and help sales reps to achieve new levels of efficiency throughout their company's sales process.

Check out this free certification about the custom object. In this lesson, you'll learn how to decide which method is best for you and how to organise your data using custom objects and other solutions.

Discover more updates to the HubSpot Growth Platform in the video below or read about all the latest product updates here.


We look forward to working together with our friends with the new HubSpot upgrades! 

Spotlight session: How companies can thrive in the new normal

HubSpot co-founders, Brian Halligan & Dharmesh Shah, accompanied by Chief Product Officer, Christopher O'Donnell, discuss how companies can thrive in the new normal, and the future of HubSpot at INBOUND2020. Watch the video below.


We look forward to day 2. Stay tuned!

Let us know your interests

Check out the agenda and feel free to ask us to get back with thoughts on sessions you find particularly interesting.

During INBOUND2020, you can follow us at The Onlinification Hub, LinkedIn, and Instagram. You can also follow the official Twitter account for Inbound.

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Read last year's INBOUND reflections and key takeaways.