Zooma switches to remote work

Zooma switches to remote work

Zooma has now switched to fully remote work to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission among employees, suppliers, customers and partners.

As of March 13 2020, all Zooma employees and contractors will be working from home until further notice. All internal and external meetings, workshops and other events will be held through Zoom, Teams, Google Meetings or similar digital communications tools.

Zooma is taking this decision based on guidance from the Swedish Public Health Agency (Folkhälsomyndigheten). The company will continue to monitor the situation and adapt internal policies after their recommendations as they develop.

The ongoing pandemic is unprecedented and poses new challenges to business — but Zooma will strive to offer customers the same level of support as usual.

Speaking about the move, Zooma's CEO Anders Björklund said: "This is a decision we've never taken before, but we're most confident that we'll be able to continue to perform and collaborate as well as before or better even if we can't physically be in the same place."

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Doug Bolton
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The onlinification and digitalisation agency was founded in April 2001.
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