Zooma appreciates the value of sound governance as a fundamental base in achieving a trusting relationship with owners and other key parties.
Stellan Björnesjö
Charlotte Björsjö
Board of directors
Anders Björklund
Founder and CEO of Zooma since 2001. A long-time advocate for the necessity of turning customer’s central strategies into online and digital execution.
Erik Emanuelsson
Marketing professional with a MSc. from Stockholm School of Economics. Extensive experience in the digital marketing industry, both from startup companies as compricer.se, to global brands as EF Education.
Roberth Emanuelsson
Entrepreneur and professional who started his career in advertising in the early 80s. After many years in real estate and the automotive industry, Roberth came back to the marketing business as the main investor in Zooma in 2015.
Sofie Holmkvist

Since 2014, Frejs Revisorer has been Zooma's auditing firm.
The audit assignment includes scrutinising the annual report, the accounting records, the administration of the board of directors and CEO, and other duties assigned to the company’s auditors. The auditing assignment also encompasses consultancy and assistance in various matters related to the auditors’ scrutiny or execution of the company’s other duties.