Zooma will work remotely until further notice

Zooma will work remotely until further notice

Zooma's management team has made the decision that all staff and contractors will continue to work from home until further notice.

The first decision to switch to remote work was made in March 2020, during the first COVID-19 outbreak. In August, the company decided to continue with remote work at least until the end of the year, based on advice and guidance from the Swedish Public Health Agency (Folkhälsomyndigheten).

Now the decision has been made to continue with remote work until further notice. All internal and external meetings, workshops and other physical events will continue to take place via digital communications tools like Zoom and Teams, and no Zooma staff will be present at the office.

Speaking about the decision to continue working remotely, Zooma CEO Anders Björklund said: "COVID-19 transmission levels remain high and the authorities are still instructing to work remotely as much as possible. We've been working from home for over a year now and it has been working very well, so there is no reason not to continue."

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Doug Bolton
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