Do Swedes have more time off than others?

By Qarin Lövgren

Do Swedes have more time off than others?

Everyone loves a holiday and some people are entitled to more holidays than others. And Swedes are more privileged than most. Or? 


Only looking at paid holidays and parental leave, Swedes are definitely fortunate. But if you dig into the hours actually worked per worker, the opposite turns out to be true.

The truth
According to the latest statistics from OECD, Swedes work on average almost 250 hours more than e.g. Germans during a year, which means that Swedes actually could take an additional six weeks off—and still be working more…  

The worlds most privileged countries when it comes to holiday entitlement
Below are the countries that top the charts when it comes to most statutory days and public holidays, plus the actual hours worked per employed person in these countries.  



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Qarin Lövgren
Copywriter and Conversion Specialist at Zooma since 2011. Qarin considers UX a business priority, whether it concerns copy, visual impact, or usability.
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