What we offer
All these sessions can be delivered at a specific digital event or as a video presentation, and you're welcome to record them for non-public distribution and future internal use.
They are also updated every quarter to remain current and up-to-date with the constantly evolving digital ecosystem.
About People and Companies
Keynote speaker: Anders Björklund
The current and future state of online and digital for people and companies.
It covers people's expectations and habits and what this means for companies. It also includes practical examples.
SEK 75 000Online and Digital Outlook
Keynote speaker: Anders Björklund
What’s buzzing, and what should you prioritise? Including the Zooma Hype-cycle.
The Zooma Online and digital outlook is updated quarterly to remain current and relevant for your business.
SEK 50 000About Inbound
Keynote speaker: Stellan Björnesjö
The inbound methodology. What it is, why it matters, and how you implement it in your organisation.
Digital Transformation
This is how and what you need to prioritise to reach your desired future state with digital readiness, digitisation, digitalisation and digital transformation – with the necessary speed.
SEK 100 000