Final days at the Mobile World Congress

By Ingrid Wallgren

Final days at the Mobile World Congress

The question asked in the previous blogpost was which are the apps that will make a difference on people’s lives on a day to day basis? Below you can see some suggestions from Ericsson Consumer Lab. In the Ericsson hall people could vote by putting a Ping-Pong ball in a container and you can see the result further down.

What would you like to see in 2015
 (click to see full infographic). 

  1. The streamed future
  2. Helpful homes
  3. Mind sharing
  4. Smart citizen
  5. The sharing economy
  6. Digital purse
  7. My information encrypted
  8. Longer life
  9. Domestic robots
  10. Children connect everything


I voted for number eight - longer life through cloud based health services and apps. Two persons from Ericsson Consumer Lab where there and we had an interesting conversation about no 4 - smart citizens services and apps and how it can simplify our lives with use case based efficiency maker apps. It would for example mean that you can find out in advance how crowded the store will be and adjust your plans.


5G has been a huge topic this year at MWC even though it is still years ahead from standardization. 5G is the enabler of the fully connected Networked Society; it is about connectivity for any kind of application and device. Key challenges to solve with 5G is the amount of traffic which will be 1000x more compared to today serving several 100 BN of devices.  There will be a wide range of potential requirements, from low-power sensors to fast-moving vehicles that require extremely low latency (below one millisecond) - just as described in this video “why do we need 5G” with a remotely controlled digger from Volvo CE.


If you think we missed out on reporting from gadgets and consumer, below are just a few things to mention:

  • Ford e-bike Battery kicks in when user's heartrate goes above a certain level.
  • Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge with wireless charging
  • Fancy waearable devices instead of all the not so slick ones we saw last year
  • Tablest on decline, however the new thin and light Sony's Xperia Z4 tablet seems pretty good.
  • Wireless charging furniture from Ikea, bedside tables and lamps.
  • Really cool looking HTC virtual reality headset Vive.


Read more in these articles that captures many of the hot things at the show.

CNET - most important gadgets 

Financial Times - Top three innovations 

Mashable - The 10 best things we saw at Mobile World Congress

CNBC - Must have new tech

This is the final post from this year’s conference. Special thanks to Ericsson for having us and for all the great work they do. If you want to explore any of the ideas or insights we have presented just reach out.

Reflections from day one
Reflections from day two


Ingrid Wallgren
As a key account manager and business strategist at Zooma, Ingrid keeps close to customers’ needs and activities.
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