As a Business Controller, Rozanna likes challenges, and one challenge is keeping up in the digital world.
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Do you remember the first time you ‘surfed the net, where you were and what you saw’? Then, most probably you’re a digital immigrant. Here’s my personal story on how to get more and more comfortable in a field that the digital natives conquer. My giant leap was when I started working at Zooma 2015.
My responsibility is to take care of Zooma’s finance and salaries.
Already when I looked at zooma.se I realized it wasd going to be a challenge for me, since I was not present on the various Social Media-channels (Social Media or Offsite as I’ve come to call it) where both Zooma and all its employees are active. I mean after all, one of Zooma’s missions is to educate, enlighten and guide our customers with regards to optimal solutions online.
The only place where I had a profile was LinkedIn, and I hadn't updated my profile since 2014. I had not even added my latest job role. I always thought it was a hazzle when someone wanted to add me on LinkedIn. In most of the cases I ignored the invite. I thought to myself ‘I will accept your invitation when I’ve updated my profile’. Finally I had updated my profile, and then in some cases it felt embarrasing to accept invitations such a long time afterwards.
I started at Zooma during a very hectical period. From a ‘SoMe-perspective’ I could operate a little bit below the radar, and I knew that eventually I would “have to” enter this big online world, even though I didn’t feel comfortable at all with that. I didn't like to be visible online, and I didn’t want to be there unless I would be active. I felt like it’s a bit of a betrayal to be there but not engage. However, I’m happy I started my journey and I hope that friends, colleagues, family and future invitees allow me some time to get up to speed.
To me, a whole new world has opened up. I had to familiarise with a lot of touch points, understand what to post where, who uses what and most importantly the unspoken codes that are present in all of them.
It has been a challenge to me and still is, but now more on the positive side and I feel curiosity and joy. I now have many new contacts, new interesting people and brands to follow and I am able to keep an eye on what's happening in the world.
I have gone from almost no activity with only a LinkedIn account to having accounts on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter. Before I would not have seen myself as a person writing a blog post, but as you can see this is now happening with this post.
I have also learnt in my discovery, that if you are not present in certain touch points you are non-existant. We are curious and we want to find out about each other.
I know that I am in a good place where I can get guidance on how to explore more! Thanks for pushing me, despite all hesitation!