The most-downloaded content of 2020

By Doug Bolton

The most-downloaded content of 2020

2020 was a year of disruption for businesses around the world, but there was still plenty of new content published on The Onlinification Hub. Here is the content that grabbed your attention and got the most downloads over the past year — does anything sound interesting? Feel free to download them and keep boosting your knowledge.

Here is the most-downloaded content of 2020:

  • Social media calendar 2020
    Our social media calendar was the most-downloaded piece of content in 2020. Keeping a social media calendar makes it easier to keep your social content consistent and engaging, so it's not surprising a lot of readers were interested.
  • On-Demand webinar: Digital outlook 2020
    In this webinar from July, Martin Ray, Zooma's Chief Analyst and Digital Strategist presented us his digital outlook for 2020.
  • HubSpot Nomenclature Template (.xlsx)
    Consistent naming of assets in HubSpot is vital if you want stay well-informed on the performance of your content. Our nomenclature template makes this much easier.
  • Social media guide
    Are you struggling to understand how social media fits in to your B2B marketing? You can learn the basics and much more with our comprehensive social media guide.
  • What is online vs digital?
    In our presentation, you can get an explanation of online and digital in a simple way.
  • Digital definitions
    Our A-Z guide of digital-related terms can really help in making sure your entire team knows what they are talking about before you embark on a new digital project.

If you're in the mood for more reading, take a look at The Onlinification Hub's most-read articles of 2020.

Thanks for another year, here's to 2021! If you haven't already, make sure to subscribe to The Onlinification Hub so that you don't miss new articles when they are published.

Doug Bolton
Doug has been a Content Producer at Zooma since 2021. Originally English, he now lives in Sweden.
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