2024’s most downloaded content

By Niyat Ghebremichael

2024’s most downloaded content

It's time to look back at the most valuable resources of the Onlinification Hub in 2024. From practical templates to helpful insights, here are the top downloads of 2024, along with a look at some all-time favourites.

Top five most downloaded in 2024

HubSpot nomenclature template
Organising HubSpot assets can be challenging. Keeping track of content performance is vital, but it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. Our HubSpot nomenclature template provides a simple solution, helping maintain consistent naming structures. This makes analysing campaigns and identifying effective strategies much easier. No wonder it was our top download of the year.

Customer journey template
Mapping your customers' journey is key to understanding customers needs and earning their trust. The customer journey template helps outline each stage, from awareness to decision-making, so businesses can present solutions and services effectively and build stronger connections. 

SEO outlook: Trends for 2025
Staying ahead of the curve in SEO is no easy task, but Daniel's SEO Outlook: Trends for 2025 gives the insights needed to adapt to the latest changes. From Google's focus on user-centered content to the growing role of AI in search, this video is perfect for staying ahead in the digital space.

Editing and proofreading checklist
Content creators know the value of polishing their work before it goes live. Our editing and proofreading checklist is a go-to resource for ensuring that every piece of content is thorough, clear, and error-free before hitting 'publish.'

How to outsmart the LinkedIn algorithm
LinkedIn’s changing algorithm can be hard to navigate, but our guide, how to outsmart the LinkedIn algorithm, helps improve visibility and engagement. This PowerPoint offers practical tips to grow your network and get the most from the platform. Also available in Swedish.

All-time favourites

Social media calendar
Planning and scheduling social media content ahead of time is key to staying organised. The social media calendar continues to be a useful tool for marketers.

HubSpot nomenclature template
As mentioned earlier, the HubSpot nomenclature template is the most downloaded content of 2024, but also it is one of the all-time favorites.

Digital outlook webinar
Our webinar on digital trends from 2020 remains relevant for planning transformation strategies.

What is Online vs. Digital?
This presentation clarifies the difference between these two concepts, making it a useful reference for teams refining their strategies.

Social media auide
An essential guide for B2B marketers starting out on social media.

The most popular downloads are practical, easy to use, and help solve real problems. We're looking forward to bringing more helpful content in 2025. Subscribe to the Onlinification Hub to don't miss new helpful content.

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Niyat Ghebremichael
Niyat is a content manager at Zooma since 2019. She loves to create content​ and helps to bring campaigns and ideas to life.
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