Alexander is a content creator who has a great interest in learning new things. What he enjoys even more is creating knowledge content.
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When we recently re-introduced The Onlinification Pod, we discovered endless possibilities for re-purposing the recorded content. In this article, I'll share some tips on what you can do with your podcast recording.
In February, we re-introduced The Onlinification Pod. At that point, it had been dormant for over a year. But as I started to get some questions from customers about how to record podcasts, we decided it was time to start experimenting with it again. We got hold of some podcasting equipment, came up with some ideas for episodes and got started.
After a few weeks, we realised how many opportunities there are to re-purpose podcast content. Below are a few examples of what we have done and what we intend to explore further as we continue to run the podcast.
I have seen different terms for this, such as audiograms or podcast teasers. You cut out a short part of the recording, e.g. 30-60 seconds. It can be a quote, thought or opinion from one of the participants. Choose an image of the speaker or your podcast host, attach the sound and make a video with subtitles. Voilá, now you have an engaging social media post that can attract listeners to your podcast.
Here are some examples of podcast teasers we have made:
The fact is that podcasts are a perfect opportunity for SEO. By transcribing the dialogue and publishing it as an article, the content can be indexed by Google.
We use Sonix to transcribe all our podcasts and publish the text as articles. This is a very efficient method for producing SEO content.
For more insights into how a podcast can drive your whole content engine forward, request access to Alexander's on-demand webinar and get the inspiration you need to get started.
We always record our podcast via Zoom. This way, we get both an audio and a video file. For a while, we have published the podcast only as an audio file.
Now, we are starting to re-purpose the content with videos, and we have already got positive feedback from some listeners who prefer to watch the conversation as we cover different topics in each episode.
As mentioned, we always publish a transcribed version of The Onlinification Pod. The recordings are in English. However, we also have a Swedish blog, Onlineguiden.
An efficient way of producing localised articles is to translate the transcription and use it as a foundation to write an article. I recently wrote the Swedish article, Digital beredskap: Vad innebär det? Based on the English transcript of What is digital readiness?.
We'll continue to find new ways to re-use our podcast content - if your company is struggling to produce enough content, starting to podcast could be a good solution. If you're planning on getting started, make sure to take a look at our in-depth guide to business podcasting for more insights, or download the free PDF guide to starting your company podcast below to get some practical tips.