Niyat is a content manager at Zooma since 2019. She loves to create content and helps to bring campaigns and ideas to life.
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Anna Jodlovsky returned in January after one year of parental leave. We are delighted to welcome Anna back.
Anna is an Art Director at Zooma since 2015. She specialises in digital design and user experience and has a holistic view of online communication.
I had my first child, and it has been a fantastic time and very different from anything I have experienced before. Suddenly life changed a lot. Taking care of a baby forces you to live in the moment, taking one day at a time, so it was a big contrast to my old routines and my working life, that was very planned. I don’t think I have ever been out on as many walks or been away from the computer for so long before. Although it was very intense, I feel that during my absence from work, I gained a lot of energy and new perspectives on things.
After a year, it is great to return to work and meet all the colleagues again. It feels like a lot has happened in the past year — new employees, changed processes and an evolved way of working. It feels like an exciting time now, so I’m glad to be back!
But of course, compared to before it is different to work and then to come home to your new little family. I thought I lacked time before, but now I have a hard time understanding how I spent all the time I used to have. I guess everything is relative.
I’ve always enjoyed various kinds of crafting and creating, so I had the idea quite early in life that I wanted to study advertising. When I was 20, I started studying at Berghs School of Communication in Stockholm, and through Berghs, I continued my studies at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco. After studying traditional advertising for 2.5 years, I felt the need to finish my studies in a place more focused on the digital world, so I applied to Hyper Island and joined the Interactive Art Direction programme. I then worked for two years at an experience design agency in Stockholm, where we created apps and digital experiences for clients like SVT, Disney and LEGO.
In 2015 I decided to move to Gothenburg. I had a meeting at Zooma and was interested by the Zooma way of working and thinking. I thought it matched my values and my idea of how I wanted to work.
There is not really a typical workday. Some days I work a lot with my computer and designing. Other days are mostly meetings, maybe an internal meeting where we work together on ideas or content for a project or an external meeting where we present the progress of a project to a client.
Since I am usually involved in many different projects at the same time, there is always a wide variety of tasks. It also depends on which phase of the process I am in for the different projects.
We bought a house two years ago that we are currently renovating and we still have many projects going on with the house — from painting the facade to making our own artwork to decorate the walls. Now that we have a son, that’s all secondary, and most of the time is spent on family activities.
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