Customer cases that convince

Get the most out of your best cases

Showcase your company's strengths through customer cases that cement your reputation in the minds of prospective customers.

Sharing your successes

You already know that before they get in touch, your future customers have done their research online. Help them make a decision easier through customer cases which show how you work with your existing customers and give an idea of how a future collaboration could look.

The customer cases package


  • Three written customer cases based on past customer projects that you choose. Interviews will be conducted with you or your customer to get the needed background information.


  • 2-3 weeks, depending on the length of the review process and the availability of customers and other interviewees.


  • SEK 40 000

You can pay now via card or invoice.


Get in touch

If you want more information before getting started with your new customers cases, book a meeting with CEO Anders Björklund below to discuss your ambitions and how we can help.