Localise and translate your website content

If you want to reach your target audience that speaks a different language, your website must be informative and easy to navigate.


Localisation or translation?

Handling translations and multiple markets is often a headache for B2B companies. Translation work is usually handed over to a marketing employee when resources are already tight. If the translated content isn't optimised for search, your potential customers will struggle to find the site.

Hand over the job to Zooma, and we'll take care of your original content, translate it with our language and SEO partners, and populate it in your CMS. You'll end up with a truly localised site, not just a translated one, which is ready for your overseas market. 

The translation and localisation package


  • Translation of content in the original language for your existing site.
  • Localisation of the content and search engine optimisation for your target market or language.
  • Building and populating the translated content in your CMS.​
  • Training for your marketing team in working with the localised site, if required.

Way of working

  • You give input, review and approve prior to the CMS population.

Price and time frame

  • Depending on the amount of localised content. 
  • Prior localisations of a corporate website with over 30 pages, contact forms, an extensive knowledge blog and automated emails have cost just under 200 000 SEK and taken around four weeks.

Request a quote

If you've got any translation jobs coming up, let us know the details via the form below and we'll get back to you with a quote as soon as possible.

The right approach to localisation

High-quality localisation is essential for reaching new markets effectively. To find out more, we spoke to Linda Gårdlöv, CEO of translation agency Comactiva, and got some valuable insights into how to improve our own work. Take a listen if you've got a localisation project coming up.

Get in touch

If you want more information before requesting a quote, book a meeting with content creator Doug Bolton below to discuss your requirements and how the translation process works.