What is business blogging?

By Anders Björklund

What is business blogging?

Generally, many people don't know or misunderstand what a blog is and what blogging is. So what is business blogging, and why should companies blog?


What is business blogging?

Business blogging is about creating relevant and engaging short-form content. A blog post is posted to your .com/.xx's blog, where you house all of those posts. For example, you are currently reading a blog post, a piece of short-form content posted on a blog.

It's important to note that your blog posts should be about a particular subject matter related to your business or industry when you do business blogging. Moreover, it should speak to the reality and needs of your personas and target groups.

Business blogging is also about your business visibility online, and your ability to be found and seen online. This can mean that your business pops up in Google and other search engines, offsite communities (a.k.a. social media), third-party blogs, etc. Business blogging is a relevant and prioritised way to help the interested and get your business out in front of people looking for answers. 

Business blogging should be personal - i.e. have an identified author - and be a prioritised touchpoint for your business that actively supports your business purpose and objectives. It should do so by driving traffic to your .com/.xx and providing opportunities to convert visitors to contacts and leads. Or, as my colleague, Stellan Björnesjö, said a while ago:

"Your business blogging shall initiate conversions that drive more business."

If you're interested in getting more information about business blogging and how to do it, take a look at our detailed business blogging guide in the Learn section.

Why should companies blog?

Zooma's Chief Analyst, Martin Olausson, passed me when I wrote this article, and I asked him why companies should blog. His answer was:

"Business blogging is crucial to be able to attract the interested".

I think you should use business blogging to get your business more online visible, but that shouldn't be the mission of your company's blog; it should be a consequence. Your blog's mission should be to answer questions, provide advice, and share knowledge relevant to your target groups.

That way, your blog posts will increase the possibility of finding search engines when your target groups are looking for answers.

Furthermore, every time you post a new blog post, you create a new page on your .com/.xx, which increases your .com/.xx's authority in the search engines' eyes. So, when you publish a relevant blog post, you create one more opportunity for your .com/.xx to rank in a search engine's result page and appear for the queries people are entering into the search field.

When someone asks Google or the other search engines something, hopefully, one of your blog posts will show up! You can apply this logic to your whole online presence and your prioritised online touchpoints.

Every time you publish a new blog post, it's yet another opportunity for everyone internally to share that post in their offsite communities. And for your business, it's excellent content for your offsite touchpoints such as LinkedIn Company PageTwitterFacebookViadeo etc. 

Business blogging is also a cost-efficient way to create opportunities to get your company found by the people you want to see to generate new contacts, leads, and customers for your business.

Benefits of business blogging, in summary:

      • Increases traffic to your .com/.xx and works closely with search engines and social media.
      • It is the prerequisite to convert that traffic into leads. Like every blog post, you write is another indexed page; each post is a new opportunity to generate new leads. Add a lead-generating call-to-action to every blog post.
      • It helps to establish authority. The best business blogs answer common questions their leads and customers have. If you're consistently creating content that's helpful for your target customer, it'll help establish you as an authority in their eyes. 
      • And it drives your long-term business results.

PS. A Fun Fact. About 71,5 % of Zooma's traffic to our blog and our .agency each month comes from posts published that month. 

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Anders Björklund
Founder, CEO & Strategist since 2001. Anders provides thoughts and reflections about how to think about onlinification and digitalisation in B2B.
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