Niyat is a content manager at Zooma since 2019. She loves to create content and helps to bring campaigns and ideas to life.
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In 2025, we will continue supporting Naturskyddsföreningen, Sweden's largest environmental organisation. Founded in 1909, Naturskyddsföreningen works on various critical issues, including biodiversity conservation, climate change mitigation, and sustainable practices promotion.
Addressing climate change is a priority for everyone, but it’s only part of the solution. Protecting biodiversity, promoting sustainable agriculture, and preserving fragile ecosystems are equally vital. Naturskyddsföreningen, Sweden’s largest environmental organisation, is deeply engaged in all these areas, advocating for sustainable practices and mobilising individuals and businesses to take action.
Here are a few examples of the environmental victories Naturskyddsföreningen won during 2024, with the help of the people and companies that support them:
Despite setbacks for environmental initiatives in Sweden, including cuts to the gasoline tax and the decision to eliminate the aviation tax, Naturskyddsföreningen achieved several significant milestones for the environment, thanks to the collective efforts of its supporters. Here are some of them:
As we continue our partnership with Naturskyddsföreningen in 2025, we're eager to support their impactful work further. Their efforts demonstrate how collective action can lead to tangible, measurable environmental progress.
If your company hasn't yet partnered with Naturskyddsföreningen, now is the time to consider joining this vital movement. Supporting their work is not just an investment in sustainability—it's an investment in our shared future.
To learn more about how your organisation can contribute, visit Naturskyddsföreningen's website.