Business podcast topics: How to reach new customers

By Alexander Evjenth

Business podcast topics: How to reach new customers

This article addresses anyone who manages a podcast for a company to reach and convert new customers (other companies). First, I'll introduce an idea-generating technique for developing new episode topics.

This article is limited to B2B podcasters because the technique for generating new topic ideas is based on one thing they all have in common. They target listeners who work at a company - who ideally listen because they want to improve themselves and their company.

With that thesis, it is pretty easy to come up with new topics, as you only need to answer one question;

What do my potential and existing customers want to listen to?

As a representative for a business that offers a service or product to customers, you have many possibilities to provide topics that they will find attractive in their quest for improvement, either through your podcast or through repurposed podcast content in other formats.

If you agree that your listeners are listening to your podcast because they want to achieve improvements for themselves and their company, here are four areas of what they want to listen to:

  • How to solve their challenges
  • Inspiration from people in a similar situation
  • Industry news and future scouting
  • Expertise from your experiences

How to solve their challenges

If your listeners want to grow, they actively seek solutions to their challenges. As a representative for a company that offers a service or product, you are the perfect source for providing content about how they can solve their challenges. So, here you can find many ideas for episode topics related to, e.g. efficiency, savings, and increased capacity.

Inspiration from people in a similar situation

Another area that people who want to improve are drawn to is inspiration from like-minded people. What are other companies in the same situation doing? What lessons has someone learned that matters to them? What did a company do to become more successful? Make sure you invite guests whom your potential and existing customers will find inspirational. 

Industry news and future scouting

Another trait among people who want to improve themselves professionally is to keep up to date. So if you, in your B2B podcast, offer exciting news and future scouting about the industry in which they operate, they'll certainly listen to you. And when it comes to news and future scouting, there are endless opportunities to develop topics. 

Build expertise from your experiences

Your organisation is full of hidden knowledge and experiences which your potential and existing customers want to listen to. Thus, it would be best if you invited colleagues from all your departments with relevant expertise to share with your listeners. In addition, most of your colleagues will bring you new ideas about topics for your B2B podcast.

I hope this article has fulfilled its purpose; to give you an endless list of topic possibilities.

Watch the podcasting webinar

Do you want to try podcasting for yourself? Watch Alexander's on-demand webinar and find out how experimenting with podcasts can drive your whole content engine forward.


You can save time for your B2B podcast production

From my experience running The Onlinification Pod, I know those topic ideas are only one challenge of running a weekly podcast. 

Apart from that, there are a lot of time-consuming tasks, such as;

  • Monthly planning of topics, guests and podcast hosts
  • Identifying and buying the best podcast equipment for your purposes
  • Recording, editing, and distribution of four episodes per month
  • Produce promotion teaser videos for social media
  • Creation and publish transcriptions for each episode

That is why we are introducing the podcast production offer, Hand it over - Podcasts by Zooma.

From SEK 50 000 per month, we do all of the above for you, and you can rely on our long experience producing B2B podcasts. 

Explore our podcast services

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Alexander Evjenth
Alexander is a content creator who has a great interest in learning new things. What he enjoys even more is creating knowledge content.
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