Online Strategist at Zooma since 2012. 15+ years of experience as a manager, business developer and specialist within online and e-commerce.
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This article contains a brief look at the current status of AI and bots, voice search and smart speakers, the continued rise of Amazon and some other trends and statistics that we think are interesting going into 2019 and beyond.
With reports such as robots and AI are likely to replace 50% of all jobs in the next decade, it's easy to see the hype and therefore easy to also dismiss AI and bots as mostly talk and little action. However, there is plenty of numbers pointing to the actual implementation and adaptation of such technologies in real-world applications. Some Examples:
What does it mean? Start experimenting with bots in the not too distant future, and in the meantime make sure you create an inventory of frequently asked (simple) questions that a bot could answer.
Since 50% of search queries are four words or longer since quite a while, and we increasingly use digital assistants like Alexa and Siri on smartphones, it's no wonder comScore predicted that 50% of all searches will be voice by 2020. Now, this could be further fueled by smart speaker adoption that has risen sharply in the past year. For example in the US, 1 in 5 adults now have access to a smart speaker.
What does it mean? SEO will continue to evolve based on voice search, digital assistants and smart speakers. You should utilise data to continually analyse, understand and adjust content creation accordingly.
It's no longer news that Amazon is a giant. However, did you know that:
What does it mean? Don’t let Amazon “just happen”. Instead, actively decide on your approach to Amazon. Consider all your different business areas from spare parts, to used, to new products. For more thoughts on this topic, consider reading Amazon - Your future partner or competitor? by my colleague Anders Björklund.
Every year analyst Mary Meeker at venture firm Kleiner Perkins presents their yearly internet trends report. It's always an interesting read and some of the highlights from the 2018 report highlight the rise of China as a leader in e-commerce and technology:
What does it mean? It's important to ask how we can become more agile as an organisation in a landscape that changes faster and faster. For example, electricity took nearly 50 years to reach 25% adoption rate in the US, the car some 30+ years, the refrigerator 20 years and the personal computer 15 years, whereas the internet took less than five years and social media and smartphones became a habit more or less instantly.
It's also important to make sure sales & marketing evolves with the continued rise of ecommerce. What plans do we have in place that ensures Amazon, Alibaba and others aren't eating our lunch in spare parts, used items etc.?
It's hardly a surprise given everything mentioned earlier in this piece that behaviours in things like B2B purchasing is also evolving. In an interesting article called How Digital Natives Are Changing B2B Purchasing, Bain & Company's Eric Almqvist explains that:
What does it mean? Inbound is the methodology of choice. Force yourself to only look from the outside, to put yourself in their shoes. Ask whether we are giving—not just our current but also our potential customers—what they need, when they need it and at times when they want it?
Want to know more? Through our digitalisation guide: what, why, when and how to use it you'll find much more to read!