Thoughts, facts, and knowledge
Learn more about Google updates and what questions Google asks. To help you create more relevant content, download my free guide.
This post highlights what I believe are the two key takeaways from INBOUND19. Enjoy!
Content creation
Imagery has never been as important as now. But the narrative has changed. People want the images to speak the truth, to be honest, and real.
Ingrid and Pé sat down with me to share their experiences regarding product launches. Take part of their thoughts.
Customer satisfaction
Advantages of making your NPS-scores public. Also, download the guide to increase your survey response rate.
This article will guide you through the benefits of increasing conversion, barriers preventing conversion and how charities can increase conversion.
Social media
I've put together a quiz asking about LinkedIn statistics and facts. Take the quiz and find out how well you know LinkedIn.
To fulfil your charity’s vision and donor’s wishes, plan a strategy, structure, systems and processes to develop the lifetime value of your donor’s support