Why compete and try to win awards?

By Martin Ray

Why compete and try to win awards?
Zooma-marketing-awardsHuman beings are a competitive race. We compete in everything, from sports to business and the marketing and communications industry is no exception. Every year there is a plethora of design, communication and marketing awards – both international and domestic ones. We have competitions where agencies and their clients compete to win a coveted price for having come up with the best campaign of the year, produced the best information, the best online presence or the best TV commercial. Why is that?


The main driver for these sorts of competitions seems to be that they create industry recognition and internal proudness – both at the agency and its client – when they win. 


Enlighten, educate and guide

At Zooma we have always been a bit ambivalent when it comes to these sorts of competitions. While we recognise the benefits of creating internal proudness both within our clients’ organisations and our own, our philosophy is that it is our clients that shall get all the recognition and that Zooma, at best, shall be the invisible hand that has guided them along the way. 

ROI-based awards

What we would find really worthwhile would be if there were competitions that celebrated and praised the effects and results of successful marketing on business e.g. ROI-based awards.   

Swedish Design Award

Nevertheless, it pleases us whenever one of our clients gets nominated for an award. This year Salming Running has been nominated for the Swedish Design Award and Zooma congratulates the entire team for that achievement. Regardless of how the competition ends, it increases the visibility for the competing brand and it creates internal proudness within both organisations. 

If you would like to help Salming Running win this year, this is how you do it: 

  1. Visit the voting page at Svenska Designpriset.

  2. Scroll down to the category 3b Identitet Webb and select Salming Running by clicking theRösta (vote) button.

  3. Scroll down and click the Gå vidare till nästa steg (proceed) button.

  4. Enter your e-mail address.

  5. Click the Skicka in (send) button.

  6. Check your inbox and verify your vote. 


Martin Ray
Chief Analyst & Digital Strategist 2011-2022.
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