News & updates
Business strategy
Zooma has launched the Online Grader to help marketers evaluate how your marketing and communication impacts your entire sales and marketing process.
Thank you for all your support, and for making it possible for us to turn 15 years today!
Zooma congratulates our friends at Skånska Byggvaror to their new blog “Drömhemmet”.
Enjoy the easter holiday with good food, family and friends!
New Director of Online & Digital Solutions at Zooma! We welcome Fredrik Abrahamsson, former CEO of Digital Communication Knowit Gothenburg!
Every year some zoomers go to Mobile Waorld Congress in Barcelona. This year three colleagues go with friends for to the impresssive congress.
Download a copy from our friend's trend report to find inspiration to decorate your home.
We thank our friends for 2015, wish you Happy New Year and promise to contribute to make 2016 an even better year! So from us to you...
The winner of t“Best Reporting” at Inbound Day 2015 is Wellspect.
Enjoy Zooma’s Christmas playlist on Spotify.
Happy and proud to announce that we just supported Médecins Sans Frontières with SEK 75 000. This as a result of the annual Inbound Day 2015.
Today, December 14 2015, Zooma launched Zooma & Friends Store. All proceeds will be sent to UNHCR.
Zooma welcomes new zoomers to the team.
Social media
We are happy that over 1 000 people have decided that they want to follow Zooma on LinkedIn. Thank you!
Zooma News - packaged information about current events for friends, allies and relations.