Thoughts, facts, and knowledge
Here are the most downloaded content offers on The Onlinification Hub 2019. I do hope these downloads below helped and guided you.
As we bid farewell to 2019 we present the most read articles on The Onlinification Hub this year. Enjoy!
Business strategy
With the year 2020 around the corner, it's time for you to begin thinking about and planning for your business success in the year ahead.
Digital transformation
Which traps do most organisations fall into, why digital transformation fails, and what can you do to succeed with digitalisation in your company.
In this post, I try to help you to understand the difference between digitisation, digitalisation, digital transformation and digital readiness.
Anders explains what he thinks about omnichannel and why he doesn't want to use this expression.
Content creation
It's only by understanding the challenges and then changing what you do; can you get different results.
At the end of October, I attended Episerver Ascend 2019 in Miami. Here are some of my reflections from this year’s event.
Digital design
With this article, I explain what designers can learn from the game World of Warcraft.
What is an openness and trust spiral and how can this be used for inbound.
You’ve probably asked yourself two questions lately: How can we produce high-quality content, and how can we do that on a weekly basis?
The way we communicate with each other has changed. Find out in this article why chatbots are important and how they work.
The invitation is the beginning of an event, and it doesn’t matter how you have planned the rest if no one shows up because of a poorly planned invitation
Social media
Nearly half of the global population are social media users. If you wonder whether you should be active on social media, here is the answer.
Interesting things we’ve bookmarked in October 2019. Find out more about the top 20 business transformations of the last decade and more.